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Computer technical support for Journées Québec users

No Journées Québec events will take place before June 30, 2025.

  • The Journées Québec platform will remain available for you to update your profile and CV, but you will not be able to register for any missions for the duration of the break.
  • International recruitment missions organized by the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (Ministry of Immigration, Francisation and Integration) will be integrated into future permanent and temporary immigration planning.

Use the following form to contact us only for technical support regarding the Journées Québec platform.

Important note:

You cannot use this form to apply for a job in Québec.

Only requests for technical support for the Journées Québec platform will be answered by email. Should you have any further questions about our current recruiting missions, please contact us on our social media site Choisir le Québec or by telephone.

If your request is about something other than the Journées Québec, please visit Contact the ministère or send an email.

Forgot your password? If you’re having trouble accessing your account on the Journées Québec platform because you forgot your password, click here to reset it.

*Form fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

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